Thursday, May 8, 2014

Blood Type

 There is good evidence to support the link between the ascendancy of blood group A and the development of the urban society. As discussed, many areas of the world that have long histories of urbanization and frequent outbreaks of plague, cholera, and smallpox show a predominance of group A over group O. This statistic clearly proved that group A was more resistant to and able to survive the infections common to densely populated areas. One might well wonder how blood group O survived at all-much less how it has remained to this day the most ubiquitous blood group on the planet. One reason might be the sheer amount of group O in the gene pool; it is recessive in A and B and thus remains self-replicating.
            Blood group A is found in the highest concentrations among western Europeans.  Unlike blood groups B and O, there are many varieties of group A. The major grouping, A1, accounts for about ninety-five percent of all A blood. The largest subgroup, A2, is found principally in Northern Caucasians. A2 is found in very high concentration in Iceland and Scandinavia, particularly among the Lapps, ancient settlers of the area. They are almost unique in their high frequency of A, and have the highest frequency of A2, registering forty-two percent in one group. The A2 gene is almost entirely confined to Caucasian populations.
            The European frequency of group A decreases as we head eastwards. Over much  of Europe the frequency of the A gene is greater than twenty-five percent. It is also found in considerable numbers around the entire Mediterranean Sea, particularly in Corsica, Sardinia, Spain, Turkey, and the Balkans. It is clear that humankind most often laid down permanent settlements in those areas where conditions offered them the best chance of survival.
The Nomadic Mutation
The gene for blood group B first appeared in significant numbers somewhere around 10 to 15,000 B.C., the tail end of the Neolithic period, in the area of the Himalayan highlands now part of present day Pakistan and India. Like the environmental conditions which spawned the advent of  group A, the development of blood group B was in large part a response to changes in the environment. But unlike A, which began to supplant group O as a response to new types of infections, then thrived as a result of the new dietary changes, group B appears to have been more of a response to climatic changes, followed by a different set of dietary adaptations. Life in the tropical flat savannahs of eastern Africa gave way to a harsher existence as the Cro-Magnon hunters migrated to the colder, drier, mountainous areas of the subcontinent and the barren endless plains of the central Asian steppes.
It is possible that blood group B may have been the only blood group with the capabilities to survive in such a harsh environment.  There is some science behind this theory: For example,  variability in  the levels of the hormones testosterone, estradiol, and somatotropic hormones in mountaineers of the Pamirs and Kirghizes was examined in relation to their place of residence in terms of elevation above sea level.  At high altitudes blood O group had had lower concentrations of estradiol and testosterone, blood group B the highest. (13)
Under times of famine, two biologic functions diminish: First is the ability to fend off infection. And the second is the ability to reproduce. Essentially omnivores, group B may have been the only blood group whose immune systems were capable of functioning with a diet described by one Roman historian as "soured milk and mare's blood." In addition to having the ability to survive pestilence, blood group B women may be more fertile than the A and O counterparts (14) and may begin to menstruate earlier. (15)
Higher concentrations of the group B gene exists in direct relationship with the demographics of the pre-existing caste system. Since the caste system was the direct result of consecutive layers of foreign conquest, it appears that the B gene may have been introduced into the Indian subcontinent via conquest. (16) In a study among fourteen Hindu caste groups, besides Christian and Muslim populations of West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India All the Hindu castes except Brahmin, Kshatriya and Reddy exhibited relatively higher frequency of group B over group A (24)  In a study of ABO distribution along the Silk Route of Northwestern China a distinct increase of blood group B was seen, especially when those subjects of Mongolian extraction were compared to Caucasian. (25)
An almost continuous belt of mountainous terrain extends from the Urals in Russia to the Caucasus in Asia, and then onto the Pyrenees of southern France. This barrier split the
migrations of the blood groups into two basic routes; a northern stream and a southern one. The invaders taking the southern approach became the ancestors of the Mediterranean people and western Europeans, and carried with them the gene for blood group A. The Ural Mountains prevented a large migration westwards from Asia, although small numbers of Caucasians entered eastern Europe, carrying with them the gene for blood group B that they picked up by intermingling with the Asian Mongolians. This barrier served to divide blood groups into a western group, A; and an eastern group, B.
                Blood group B Mongolians continued to travel northward, toward present day Siberia. They developed a different culture, dependent on herding, and emphasizing the use of cultured dairy products. These nomadic people were expert horsemen, and wandered extensively over the Siberian flat lands, the great Steppes. These nomads must have been compact, tightly knit, and genetically homogenous. A recent study using sophisticated  polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology  determined the ABO groupings of on the dried remains of nine human mummies which had been discovered at Taklamakan desert in 1912.  Of the nine, eight were group B. (17) At various times they penetrated large swaths of Eastern Europe, at one time reaching as far as the gates of Vienna, Austria. The Mongolians were certainly responsible for introducing the gene for blood group B into the eastern European populations.
Two basic blood group B population patterns emerged out of the Neolithic revolution in Asia: an agrarian, relatively sedentary population located in the south and east, and the wandering nomadic societies of the north and west. This schism stands as an important cultural remnant in Southern Asian cuisine�the use of dairy products remains practically nonexistent. To the Asian culture, dairy products are considered the food of the barbarian. 
In the Middle-East it appears that tribes of Semitic group B nomads may have infiltrated into pre-existing Neolithic cultures, both passively and aggressively. Semitic peoples called the Hyksos were foreign rulers of Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period.  Exactly who those foreign rulers were is not known, but it is assumed they were Asiatics.  The Egyptian term for Hyksos merely means "rulers of foreign lands."  It was once thought that foreign rule in Egypt would have necessarily entailed a violent overthrow, but instead there is the appearance of a peaceful takeover.  More likely, the numbers of these foreigners slowly increased in the Delta region until they became a powerful political force.  Under the rule of the Hyksos, the continuity of Egyptian culture and ritual was preserved, indicating that these foreign kings had become fully Egyptianized.  Persian suzerainty  may have also added large amount of B gene to the  upper-class Egyptian gene pool, since a third century BC  Egyptian mummy,  'Iset Iri Hetes' was recently typed and found to be group B. (18) Interestingly, Africa in general (independent of any racial categorization) has a higher incidence of group B than Europe or the Middle East. Whether this is the result of intermingling or the original B gene pool is unknown, however it does  imply that the links between ancient Egypt and sub-Saharan Africa are  deeper  and older than generally recognized.
The blood group characteristics of the various Jewish populations have long been of interest to anthropologists.  As a general rule, regardless of their nationality or race, there is a trend towards higher than average rates of blood group B.  The Ashkenazim of Eastern Europe and the Sephardim of the Middle East and Africa, the two major sects, share high rates of group B blood and bear no discernible differences.  Babylonian Jews differ considerably from the present-day Arab population of Iraq, in that they have a high frequency overall of group A, and an even higher frequency of group B blood. 
The Jews of the Tafilalet Oasis in Morocco, an ancient community, now dispersed, also had a high frequency of the gene for blood group B, around twenty nine percent of the total society.
The Karaites, who have an extraordinarily high rate of blood group B, are members of a Jewish sect founded in Babylonia in the eighth century A.D. A singular community of Karaites continues to exist in Lithuania, and they were known to have migrated as a body from the Crimea.  The Karaites consider themselves Jews by religion only, not by race.  This claim of racial separation was accepted by the Nazi authorities, who controlled Lithuania during the Second World War.  Because of this, the Karaites were spared the horrors of the Holocaust. (6)
To modern day anthropologists, blood group B continues to this day to be an "Eastern" blood group. It is found in high numbers among Asians such as the Chinese, Indians, and Siberians. In Europe, blood group B is more frequently found in Hungarians, Russians, Poles, and other eastern Europeans. It is not found in large numbers among western Europeans. Among pre-Neolithic people, such as the Basques and Amerindians, group B is practically nonexistent.
Of all the ABO blood groups, B shows the most clearly defined geographic distribution. Stretching as a great belt across the Eurasian plains and down to the Indian subcontinent, blood group B is found in increased numbers from Japan, Mongolia, China and India, up to the Ural Mountains. From there westward, the percentages fall until a low is reached at the extreme western end of Europe.
Blood group B is a distinctly non-Indo-European blood type. In Europe, only two areas with a high rate of blood group B appear: one among the group of non-Indo-European peoples known as the Finno-Ugrics (such as the Hungarians and the Finns), the other among the central Slavic peoples (Czechs, Southern Poles, and Northern Serbs).  The Viking invaders may have also had a relatively high percentage of B gene, since many of the towns of Britain and western Europe that are linked to the coast by internal lines of communication such as large rivers, have a disproportional amount of blood group B when compared to the surrounding territory.
The small numbers of blood group B in old and Western Europeans represents western migration by Asian nomadic peoples. This is most clearly seen in the easternmost Western Europeans, the Germans and Austrians, who have an unexpectedly high incidence of blood group B blood compared to their western neighbors. The highest frequency of blood group B in Germans occurs in the area around the upper and middle Elbe River, an important natural boundary between "civilization" and "barbarism" in ancient and medieval times.
Modern subcontinental Indians, a Caucasian people, have some of the highest frequencies of blood group B in the world. Interestingly, among the Asiatics, they and the Japanese are the only areas that show high frequencies of blood group A as well. The northern Chinese and Koreans have  high rates of blood group B, and lower rates of blood group A.
Nowadays, blood group B accounts for about ten percent of the world�s population.

The Intermingling
Blood group AB is found in less than five percent of the population. It is certainly the most recent blood group. Unlike the other ABO blood groups, group AB resulted from the intermingling of group A Caucasian people and group B Mongolian people.  Some of this may have been peaceful, some must have been part of the violent turmoil that marked the great "Migration of Peoples" at the end of the Ancient Period (300AD-800AD)
This time period was characterized by the collapse of the ancient civilizations, brought on by the influx of various wandering hordes of predominantly Eastern origin. The incidence of blood group B was probably very high in these Steppe dwellers, so the appearance of group AB in Europe is probably the result of the intermingling of these Eastern invaders with their European hosts. In Europe, the distribution of this blood group parallels group B, with a low incidence in Western Europeans. There is a very high incidence of AB blood in sub-continental Indians, again probably the result of migration, conquest, caste distinctions and intermingling .
Little  evidence for the occurrence of group AB extends beyond 900 to 1,000 years ago, when a large western migration of Eastern peoples took place. Blood group AB is rarely found in European graves prior to 900 A.D.  Studies of prehistoric grave exhumations in Hungary indicate a distinct lack of this blood group into the Langobard age (fifth to seventh century A.D.). This would seem to indicate that, up until that point in time, European populations of blood groups A and B did not come into common contact. If they did, they neither mingled nor intermarried.
Blood group AB may be a purely human invention. This blood group takes the concept of tolerance to the extreme, as it sees all things A-like or B-like as self, and manufactures no opposing blood group antibodies. As early as the 1940s it was noticed that blood group AB had a higher incidence of cancer than the other blood groups. On the plus side, group AB�s  tolerance perhaps minimizes the chances of allergies and other autoimmune diseases, such as arthritis and inflammation.
There may be a similar survival benefit with regard to possession of  a B antigen that is shared between groups B and AB. For example, it has been noted that group B individuals are on average a bit taller than their A and O counterparts, (20) and that women who are AB are in general a bit heavier than the other ABO groups.(21)
Something about AB "works" in a modern sense, because these people inherit the tolerance of both A and B. Perhaps this serves to enhance the AB immune system's abilities to manufacture more specific antibodies to microbial invaders, as it possess neither anti-A or anti-B antibodies.
Blood Group Distribution Today
Our blood groups are not a hit or miss act of random genetics without any real purpose. Rather, the ABO blood groups are a set of differing solutions to a host of environmental variables, such as diet and infection, which insured the survival of the human race. The blood group adaptations were a change in "human antigenicity"---a biological desire to identify with the prevailing currents of the environment.
By looking at the distribution of blood groups today, we can see the threads of our evolutionary history. In the United States, O is the most prevalent blood group, A is second, followed by B, and finally AB. The breakdown in Great Britain is very similar to the U.S. percentages. In Germany there are slightly more A than O; B and AB remain almost the same as U.S. percentages. In Japan and China As, Os and Bs are fairly evenly split, and the AB percentage increases over that found in European populations.
Until the end of the Second World War, physical anthropology usually meant the comparison of various physical characteristics of the body between different human populations and individuals. This usually included measurements of the body and its parts, especially the skull. However probably as a result of the intensive use of blood transfusions during the war the blood groups have come to provide an alternative to the often highly subjective methods of body measurement. Here was a definitive biological marker, that could be used to map migrations and classify human groupings. Physical anthropology had its first scientific tool.
"History is bunk," wrote the industrialist Henry Ford. It is a quote with the ring of truth in it. We are destined to interpret past events through the eyes of who left the record (usually the winner) and our own modern day thoughts and rationales. Losers rarely write history and it is just about impossible for the average person to put himself or herself in the mindset of a person living in a world without light, heat, supermarkets and the internet. 
Yet of all my writings on the blood groups, it has been their anthropologic significance that readers have  time and again told me is their favorite section. There is something very intellectually and emotionally riveting about understanding the ebb and flow of our human experience. Not only is it fascinating from an intellectual standpoint, but we also can see, feel and touch the modern day physical ramifications of these long ago events.
In that sense, we are all survivors.

Your AB+ Blood is Important

As an AB blood donor, you have a unique opportunity to enhance your generous “gift of life”. People with AB Negative (.6% of the population) and AB Positive (3.4%) are potential universal plasma donors.  You may not know, but there is a special need for AB Plasma.
In addition to being the most rare blood type, AB Plasma is universal and can be used for all patients regardless of their blood type.  Plasma is used to treat clotting disorders, burn, and shock victims.
Your plasma donation is especially important to maintaining sufficient supplies for our community, and with regular and frequent plasma donations you’ll be helping hundreds of patients in our area.
Almost anyone who is a whole blood donor can donate plasma.  You are eligible if you are at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health.  You can donate plasma every 28 days.
Thank you for being a blood donor, and please consider donating plasma.

What’s Your Type?

O+       1 in 3        37.4%
A+        1 in 3        35.7%
B+        1 in 12        8.5%
AB+     1 in 29        3.4%
O-        1 in 15        6.6%
A-        1 in 16        6.3%
B-        1 in 67        1.5%
AB-     1 in 167        .6%
Source: America’s Blood Centers

Compatible Blood Types

O- can receive O-
O+ can receive O+, O-
A- can receive A-, O-
A+ can receive A+, A-, O+, O-
B- can receive B-, O-
B+ can receive B+, B-, O+, O-
AB- can receive AB-, B-, A-, O-
AB+ can receive AB+, AB-, B+, B-, A+,  A-,  O+,  O-

Compatible Plasma Types

O  can receive O, A, B, AB
A  can receive A, AB
B  can receive B, AB
AB  can receive A, B

ABO Blood and Human Origins

Many people know what their blood type is and understand that blood types must be matched in a medical emergency. The ABO blood group is the most significant blood factor in clinical applications involving blood transfusions. Understanding the importance of the ABO blood group is not limited to clinical applications, however. With our recent ability to rapidly sequence genes, the ABO blood group is also proving to be a valuable asset for determining human migration patterns and origins.
What Determines Blood Type?
ABO blood types are determined by a cell surface marker that identifies the cell as belonging to "self" or to that individual. These cell surface markers are characterized by a protein or lipid that has an extension of a particular arrangement of sugars. Figure 1 shows the arrangement of sugars that determines each of the A, B, and O blood types.1 Note that each is identical, except that types A and B have an additional sugar: N-acetylgalactosamine for A, and galactose for B.
These sugar arrangements are part of an antigen capable of stimulating an immune response that produces antibodies to identify and destroy foreign antigens. People with blood type A produce antibody B when exposed to antigen B, and those with blood type B produce antibody A when exposed to antigen A. Blood type AB, however, produces no antibodies because both antigens present on the cells are recognized as "self." Blood type O produces antibodies A and B, because neither antigen A nor B is present on the cells of type O individuals |Table 1|. Antibodies A and B belong to the "M" class of immunoglobins and are expressed from the immunoglobin genes of B-cell lymphocytes upon exposure to foreign antigens. Immunoglobin genes are capable of producing an essentially infinite number of antibodies through a complex editing and selective process.1 Consequently, there isn't a specific "antibody A" gene or "antibody B" gene inherited with a complementary A or B antigen.
A gene for the specification of antigens A or B or type O determines the blood type. An enzyme, glycosyltransferase, is the product of this gene,2 and differences in the sequence of this enzyme (polymorphisms) determine whether the enzyme attaches N-acetylgalactosamine (antigen A), galactose (antigen B), or no sugar (type O) |Figure 1|. People inherit two genes for blood type; or, more accurately, two alleles, one from each parent. These alleles are represented as IA for type A, IB for type B, and i for type O. Both glycosyltransferase alleles for antigens A and B are expressed when inherited together, producing both antigens and resulting in blood type AB. When the allele for blood type A or B is inherited with type O, the individual will be either type A or B. This is not necessarily because the type O allele is silenced or recessive, but is instead a result of the activity of the A or B glycosyltransferase, while the glycosyltransferase for the O allele is inactive.2 A type O individual has both alleles for the inactive glycosyltransferase.
Blood Types and Human Origins
So what light does this shed on human origins? Is it possible for the two people of the Creation account (Adam and Eve) or the eight people on Noah's Ark to give rise to all of the ABO blood types present in humans today? If Adam and Eve were heterozygous for blood types A and B, respectively (one allele for type O and one allele for either type A or B), they could have produced children that had any of the ABO blood types, as illustrated in Figure 2. The Punnett square simply predicts what the possible phenotypes would be for a given couple's children. From the number of children that Adam and Eve likely produced, it is not difficult to envision all of the ABO blood types being passed down to their offspring.
If Adam and Eve were heterozygous for the ABO blood type gene locus, then the allele frequency for the type O allele is 50 percent (2 of 4 alleles), the allele frequency for type A is 25 percent (1 of 4 alleles), and the allele frequency for type B is 25 percent |Figure 2|. If there are no selective pressures or genetic drift for these alleles, then the allele frequency will remain constant through all of their descendants. The overall allele frequency in the Punnett square is actually the same for the children as it might have been for Adam and Eve. This scenario would also be true for Noah's family and their descendants.
Modern Allele Frequencies
Do human populations today reflect these allele frequencies? The answer is yes. Table 2 shows the allele frequencies for several populations. (Note that these are not blood type frequencies.) There is a general increase in the frequency of the type O allele, and in many populations a drop in the type B allele. But as expected, the frequencies for each allele are close to what they could have been at the start of human history or with Noah's family. The shift in frequency (the increase in type O and decrease in type B) can be caused by migration of people groups that had a higher or lower frequency for one of the alleles at the time of migration. It could also result from random genetic drift, or from a mutation that renders glycosyltransferase inactive--which would result in blood type O from type A and is likely one cause for the increase in the frequency of the O allele.
Unfortunately, the origin of the ABO alleles gets more complicated when examining the actual gene for glycosyltransferase. There are more than 180 variations (polymorphisms) for the ABO gene listed on the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website,5 and each one of these polymorphisms can be assigned to one of the three ABO alleles. Most of these polymorphisms do not change glycosyltransferase activity or blood type, but can identify ethnic groups that formed after humans migrated across the globe. Mutation and chromosome crossing-over events are the most plausible cause of these variants.6
There are DNA differences, or polymorphisms, that determine the function of glycosyltransferase, resulting in different ABO blood types. These differences are few, but not trivial. The glycosyltransferase specific for antigen A synthesis differs from the antigen B-specific enzyme by just four amino acid residues (out of 354), and there are several DNA sequence differences in the alleles that code for the A- and O-specific enzyme.2 The four differences between the A and B glycosyltransferase are enough to allow the enzyme to specify the characteristic terminal sugar that distinguishes antigens A and B. A single DNA deletion in the A-specific allele results in a truncated version of the glycosyltransferase gene product, eliminating enzymatic activity and effectively resulting in blood type O.
Origin Implications of Blood Type O
It can be argued that one of the three alleles is ancestral to the other two. For example, the origin of the O allele, and subsequently blood type O, is simply the result of the deletion resulting in a loss of function of glycosyltransferase activity for the A antigen. A mutation resulting in the loss of function in a protein, at best, would be a "nearly neutral" mutation since blood type O does not appear to have any deleterious effects or selective advantage over the other two blood types. Because neutral or nearly neutral mutations have no selective advantage, it is likely impossible to fix these mutations in a large population of organisms (fixation = 100 percent O alleles) in a reasonable length of time. For example, if a mutation that gave blood type O were actually 1 percent more beneficial than type A, it would take 100,000 generations to fix this mutation in the modern human population from a beginning population of 10,000 people.7, 8 The larger the population at the time of the mutation, the longer it will take for fixation and the less likely the mutation will ever be fixed.
Molecular evolutionary time scales place modern humans at roughly 200,000 years ago,9 a timeframe too short to increase the O allele frequency to 60 percent of all people alive today within a population of 10,000. Certainly a biblical timeframe would be far too short for such fixation. The deletion responsible for converting an A allele to an O allele is not present in chimpanzees, and sequence comparisons between humans and chimps indicate this allele is unique to the human lineage,10, 11 further complicating an evolutionary scenario for the origin of blood type O. This scenario would fit better if the O allele was rare in the population today and appeared in a specific people group. However, the O allele is by far the most common allele globally, indicating that if it did originate via a mutational event, it had to occur when the human population was extremely small and before humans divided into ethnic groups and spread across the globe.
It is possible to achieve the current O allele frequency via a mutation if it occurred at the time of Noah's Flood and was passed on by one of Noah's family members. Noah or Mrs. Noah could have had the O allele and passed it on to each one of their sons, or the alleles could have mutated in one son's offspring. The population of the human race at the time of the Flood and immediately afterward certainly qualifies as a population size that would enable a mutated allele to become common as the population grew. With a starting population of only eight people, the O allele could easily have increased in frequency through random genetic drift in the post-Flood population, reflecting the present levels that are observed today and consistent with computer simulations modeling fixation.12
If Adam and Eve did not have all three blood type alleles, then there must have been a mutation creating the O allele while the human race was still very small and before humans dispersed across the globe. Whether the origin of blood type O was in Adam and Eve at Creation or whether it arose as a mutational event that took place shortly before or after the Flood, it strongly supports that all humans today are descendants of two individuals or a small group of people that eventually populated the globe. Both scenarios are consistent with th

The Blood Typing Farce

At least 95% of the population, who have blood type ‘O’ and ‘A’ which are the thinnest blood and lowest blood volume, and blood type ‘B’, have copper deficiency, due to slow poisoning from blood thinners, alkalizing chemicals, copper binders, and copper antagonists that they have saturated the food and food chain with.

These poisons have altered and damaged the proteins/DNA of the blood and other tissues of the body.

Copper is essential in the formation of normal healthy proteins, that is, normal amino acid sequences, in that it provides a balanced pH state for the blood and tissues. Copper is acidic at a pH of 5.5 and is important in providing a balance of the numerous alkaline and acidic nutrient minerals.

A balanced pH is present in blood type AB, which is the only normal blood type. Consequently, because of generations of poisons, the vast majority of the population has malformed proteins and is missing normal proteins, as can be evidenced just in the blood properties as noted in different "blood types".

The blood types of A, B, and O are missing the normal (clotting) proteins; type A is missing B, B is missing A, and O is missing both A and B proteins. The "Rhesus Factor" (D-antigen) is a malformed or variant A or B protein, resulting from insufficient copper levels.

The blood type AB is balanced and therefore does not carry the malformed "Rhesus Factor" protein, thus, only AB negative blood is possible.


Blood pH Levels

The A protein (A-antigen) is alkaline as it is made up of more of the alkaline amino acids.

The B-protein is acidic with more of the acidic amino acids. When the A and B proteins are present together, as in Type AB blood, the pH of the blood is in a balanced state or approximate pH of 7.0. A balanced pH is also indicative of the nutrient minerals being in balance. Individuals with blood types A and O have a propensity to over-excrete the acidic minerals and/or overload alkaline minerals, while those with blood type B have a propensity to overload some acidic minerals and/or over-excrete alkaline minerals, all cases due to copper deficiency.

With type O blood, the alkaline level is so high that even the normal alkaline A-protein cannot be formed, and thus, is missing.

According to numerous references and texts dating a few years back and earlier, the pH range for blood in the US was 7.35 – 7.45, with an average pH of 7.40. Assuming Type B is acidic and Type AB is at or near 7.0, this range apparently included type A’s and O’s, which comprised 86% of the US population.

The same dated texts and references document the percentages of type O as 45 % and type A as 41%, in the US population. It is interesting to note that a clinic in Florida recently measured blood pH samples of 259 clients, from January 2004 to June 2005, and found the average pH to be significantly higher, at a high average of 7.54. (Ref 12)

Assuming Type A’s and O’s were only recorded in the samples, and O’s are the higher pH, this data indicates that type O blood in the US is currently well above 7.60 pH level.

Additionally, many individuals with type A blood may change over to type O blood if the pH has increased to a point or range at which the A protein disappears.


Fraudulent History & Evolution Theory
"In 1900, Karl Landsteiner, a physician in Vienna, Austria, noted that the sera of some individuals led to the ‘discovery’ of ABO blood types."
(Ref 1)
Essentially, he noted a distinct difference in viscosity/pH level or the clotting factors of blood.

Later on his students "discovered" the AB blood type. Then, in 1940, the "Rhesus Factor" (D-Protein) was detected. In truth, there is only one blood type among humans, and that is type AB. Anything else is a mutation due to copper deficiency.

As each generation has been deprived and depleted of copper, the mutated genes/proteins have become weaker. These mutations of the blood and other structures that have manifested over the generations, is used as supporting evidence for the fraudulent "Evolution Theory".

The mutated blood types of A, B, and O and the presence of the "Rhesus Factor" are used to establish a lineage/correlation of the vast majority of the human population to the man-apes. This correlation does not exist, since humans are created solely with blood type AB, and the man-apes do not carry this blood type.

We were all created with type AB blood, with normal viscosity/balanced pH level with normal protein structures.

Through a misinformation campaign the "official" history is that blood type AB is the newest and rarest, emerging 500-1000 years ago, while blood type O is the oldest.


Copper Functions

Copper maintains mineral balance, thus a balanced pH with normal blood viscosity, by functioning as the primary antioxidant in the body.

When the blood is of normal viscosity with optimal blood flow, the blood is able to rid the body of toxic metals, chemicals, and any overload of other minerals, thereby retaining and balancing out the nutrient minerals.

It has been documented that a,
"decrease in antioxidant protection caused by copper deficiency goes beyond a decrease in the activity of copper-dependent enzymes by inducing a wide range of disturbances in the other enzyme systems."
(Ref 4)
This is because sufficient copper levels are extremely important in the formation and/or activity of numerous other enzymes involved in the formation of,
  • bone and connective tissue
  • immune system
  • cardiovascular and heart
  • brain
  • liver
  • blood vessels
  • pigmentation
  • collagen and elastin
  • blood clotting factors
  • all the glandular systems,
...and many others. (Ref 4)

Thus, it can be stated with certainty that copper is the single most important nutrient in the bodyThis is why copper is the target for deprivation and depletion.

Diabetes Prevalence Reveals Increased Mortality Rate in Alkaline Blood Types
Blood Types A and O

Diabetes data was chosen for the purpose of this writing because it correlates to blood type B, thereby making it easier to isolate the type B blood from the alkaline blood types in disease.

Not surprisingly, national level health and medical organizations did not have any data on blood type correlated to diabetes, or other diseases for that matter, when requested. But, we know that blood type B is the acidic of the blood types and diabetes is known to be caused by an elevated acidity level of the blood.

Thus, diabetes does correlate to type B blood. Indeed, when the diabetic individual’s blood becomes dangerously high in acidity, Diabetic Keto-Acidosis (DKA) occurs, and is treated with high alkaline chemicals. Additionally, according to estimates a few years ago and earlier, blood type B comprised about 10% of the US population, which corresponded with the combined estimate of both diagnosed and undiagnosed cases of diabetes. (Most documentation on diabetes indicates that one third of all cases are undiagnosed.)

According to dated references about 20% of African Americans and 10% of Caucasians carry the type B blood in the US, which is why African Americans are at twice the risk of developing diabetes than Caucasians.

The following web site should be referenced for graph and data interpretations: Prevalence of Diagnosed Diabetes by Age, United States, 1980-2004. The graph depicts percentage of the population on the vertical axis and the years 1980 through 2004 on the horizontal axis.

The age groups are color coded lines according to age range.

Data Analysis

Ages 0-64 yrs have a combined rate of about 6.5 to 7.0 %, holding steady from 1980 until 1996, when an increase started in the 45-64 yr age group.

This coincides with about two thirds of the diabetic population with the other one third being undiagnosed. There is also a significant increase in the two combined 65+ yrs age groups, starting in 1996-1997.

The combined percentage indicates that about 1 in 3 individuals aged 65 and older were diagnosed with diabetes in the year 2004, which may actually be closer to 1 in 2 when the undiagnosed cases are included, indicating the acidic levels have risen in this age group. Note that in the same year, 2004, there was a significant increase recorded in the pH level of the alkaline blood types. (Paragraph 3)

The significance of this data is as follows:
  1. At some point within the years 1995 or 1996, an increased rate of copper depletion began, which started manifesting in the year 1996.

  2. The ratio of type B blood changes from about 1 in 10 in the age range 0-64 yrs to 1 in 2 in the age of 65+ yrs in 2004, after factoring in the undiagnosed cases. This does not mean that individuals with the alkaline blood types A and O are changing over to the acidic blood type B, but that many with the alkaline blood types are now dying in their 40s and 50s.

  3. Although a shortened lifespan, individuals with type B blood have a longer life expectancy on average, than the alkaline blood types. Note that Alzheimer’s, kidney disease, and amputations are all linked to diabetes, all of which greatly affect quality of life.

  4. Lastly, the increased death rate in the alkaline blood types will cause a corresponding increase in the percentage of individuals with type B blood in the overall population, as well as an increase in the percentage of individuals with type AB blood.

The Myth of "Disease"
(See Ref 4,5)

In their multitudes of "scholarly" medical works there is virtually always mention of missing and "variant" proteins in regards to different diseases.

Copper deficiency causes "variant" malformed, missing, damaged DNA/proteins, and is responsible for virtually EVERY "disease" and symptom manifesting now, accelerating aging and death.
  • Parkinson’s
  • Alzheimer’s
  • MS
  • mental depression
  • diabetes
  • autism
  • other neurological diseases
  • pancreatic & digestive problems
  • vision problems
  • hemophilia
  • bleeding disorders
  • anemia
  • low hormone production
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • many other ‘birth defects’
  • cancer
  • bone & muscle degenerative conditions
  • shortened lifespan
  • heart/cardiovascular disease
  • heart attack
  • stroke
  • allergies
  • respiratory illness
  • kidney disease,
...and the list goes on.

These things happen gradually over time, so we do not suspect we are slowly being poisoned.
"Man’s days will be 120 years."
"Never again will a child live but a few days."
Meanwhile, many people are dying and suffering needlessly, because they are copper deficientBlood type is nothing more than the degree of copper deficiency in the vast majority of the population.

The blood type AB have survived through this, indicating that some areas of the world and/or some groups have been excluded from the poisons or have the remedy - the poisoners themselves.


Copper Depleting Poisons

If the food and food chain was untainted and did not have any poisons, we would not be copper deficient.

ALL the food now contains copper antagonists, blood thinners, alkaline chemicals, and copper binders, so that any copper that may have been present is negated. They have been depriving and depleting us of this most important nutrient, which must be acquired through the diet.

We were born copper deficient, not because we were created with "genetic defects", but because we have been slowly poisoned over the generations with copper depleting poisons. All the proof is self evident in the stores.

There are thousands of these ingredients in everything we consume, and put on our skin. EVERY item has a combination of copper depleting poisons. Even supplements are loaded with these poisons. Note that some are stacked with vitamins, which are not required for supplementation, since the body produces its own.Vitamins deplete copper.

One cannot get a copper supplement to boost levels of copper – they have ALL been prepared in an alkaline base or other chemical, which negates the copper.

Some of the Genetically Modified (GM) food crops have been modified by changing an acidic protein to an alkaline protein by inserting additional alkaline amino acids into the sequence, thereby negating any copper that was contained in the crop. Other protein foods have been modified by adding additional sulfur amino acids into the amino acid sequences.

Sulfur binds with copper and pulls it out of the body, thereby depleting copper status.

This is the purpose of GM foods, to deprive and deplete us of the mineral copper, and to do further genetic DNA damage to the body structures, tissues, and blood. The "Mad Cow" disease that is widespread is from copper deficiency - (Ref 10).

This is another way they deprive and deplete us of copper. They claim the populace gets plenty of "copper rich" foods, but when examining the list, these foods are known to be very rich in sulfur. (Foods Rich in Sulfur)

And, vaccines are loaded with toxins that deplete copper from the body, specifically targeting the liver, where the greatest percentage (~10%) of the body’s copper is stored.


The Poisoners & Population Reduction

How did they manage to pull off such a successful, massive poisoning campaign, and deceive everyone on the different blood types and diseases?

They are one entity coordinating & cooperating with many, they possess great wealth, and they have many fronts.

They own/control ALL the food and food processing entities, personal care products included, and everything that manufactures poisons. They successfully sneak the poisons into the food and food chain, because they control every level and function of our government – every agency, organization, the administration, congress, house, all the political parties, FDA, AMA, CDC, USDA, natureapathic/alternative health care community, and the list goes on.

They have agents and fronts to control us and control what goes into our food and food chain. It’s all about controlgreedkeeping our minds weak, and decreasing our lifespan. This is how they have been accomplishing their goal of world population reduction.

Their fronts, agencies, and corporations benefit and profit greatly from what they do. Yes, they are all connected – that is why they are successful in what they do. Through taxation we pay these people who allegedly represent us, and who give their authority to all these fronts to approve the poisons, without the consent or knowledge of the people.

The Constitution does not give authority to our government representatives to lie to us and deceive us, nor does it give authority to the government to act without the consent of the people. The government is supposed to be looking out for the best interests of the people it represents. When this is no longer the case, as we now know, the government ceases to be the rightful, legitimate government, and as such it is time to abolish the entire government.

Today they are known as IlluminatiElite, proponents of their "New World Order", and other secret sects and secret societies. These secret groups derive their workings, rituals, symbolism, and traditions from the Talmud and Kabala. They work in secrecy, for the people will be repulsed and angry at what they do.

They are liars, murderers, thieves, deceivers, and they destroy the earth and mankind.

They Proclaim To Be God

Remember what you have been told in generations past, for the time has come and the lawless ones have now been revealed.

They exalt themselves over everything that is called God or is worshiped. The blood type found on the Shroud of Turin, the suspected burial cloth of Jesus, is blood type AB, which "matches" the poisoners’ blood type, and thus, their DNA. Everyone else with blood types of A, B, and O have damaged DNA/proteins.

This is how they proclaim to be God, the "Chosen Ones" and "the 144,000", by their blood type/DNA matching the blood type found on the Shroud of Turin. They try to change the set times in their favor.

Through one of their secret groups, Priory of Sion, they perpetuate the story of the bloodline of Christ. Their claim is that Jesus bore a child/children and these children became royalty in Europe and the bloodline now has many descendants.

They also claim that everyone else who does not have blood type AB evolved from apes, since the man-apes only have the other major "blood types" of A, B, and O. This is to separate themselves and exalt themselves above everyone else, so that they proclaim themselves to be God, the designated ones to rule over the earth.

We were ALL created with blood type AB with normal healthy protein/DNA properties.

Their poisons have mutated us into these other "blood types".

  1. - Blood rates from different parts of the world

  2. - Distribution of blood types

  3. - Copper: The Maligned Mineral  (The many functions of copper and copper deprivation, copper depletion)

  4. - Copper: Defining the Human Requirement

  5. - Misinformation about origin of type O.

  6. - 28 separate studies showed that Chimpanzees have the blood types A and minimal O, but never B.  8 separate studies showed that Gorillas have the blood types B and minimal O, but never A.  There is NO blood type AB in either of the man-apes.  But man has both A and B AND blood type AB as well as very much O.

  7. For additional information on alkaline levels of the many chemicals in our food, contact chemists, and some web sites by searching for the name of chemical and "alkaline" or "pH". There are just too many to list in this writing. Some can found in ref # 8.

  8. - A Case for the Role of Copper Deficiency  in "Mad-Cow" Disease and  Human Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease:  Research has suggested that copper also has an important role to play in the prevention or moderation of certain neurodegenerative diseases including the polyglutamine diseases (such as Friedrich ataxia and Huntington's Disease), Parkinson's Disease, Wilson's and Menkes' Diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's Disease, also called "Motor Neuron Disease" in the UK), and Alzheimer's Disease.

  9. - Because HFCS may deplete the body of Copper*, causing a copper deficiency, or if one currently has a copper deficiency, consuming HFCS over time will eventually cause heart failure due to hypertrophy (enlargement of the heart)…..Most of the controversy surrounds the apparent link between the increased use of HFCS (mostly replacing sugar) and an increase in Type II diabetes and obesity in the United States.

  10. - Dr. Field explains that fructose in combination with copper deficiency in the growing animal interferes with collagen production. (Copper deficiency, by the way, is widespread in America.) In a nutshell, the little bodies of the rats just fell apart.

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