Monday, April 21, 2014

The corruption of modern medicines

Just as we live in a fallen world, our medical system has fallen.  Our doctors today are not practicing the same kind of medicine as Luke the physician did in the Bible.  In the early 1900s, our medical system was corrupted by the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, and others who discovered that there was much money to be made from medicine.  They made it their goal to make allopathic medicine the only acceptable medical treatment, and to shut down any natural or alternative treatments that were available. Their goal was to keep people dependent on allopathy and drugs — the big money makers.  A short video I am including here describes briefly what happened.  It’s most interesting to note that while this was going on, John D. Rockefeller was putting all of his money into allopathic care, while seeking only homeopathic care for himself.
Please don’t misunderstand me.  I know a lot of amazing people that work in our healthcare industry.  Amazing doctors, amazing nurses, and I know there are some amazing medicines that do a lot of good.  I have some great Christian friends that are nurses whom I love dearly.  They are in healthcare for the right reasons.  There is a time and a place for seeking medical treatment and hospitals are indeed necessary in our world. God CAN use medicine to help us.  What I am saying is that we have got to stop blindly trusting the medical industry, and start praying for wisdom and discernment when seeking medical care.  We have to stop reacting in FEAR and start dropping to our knees in prayer and trusting God fully.  We need to actively pray for God to open our eyes to what truly is good for us and bad for us and stop believing that things are good just because the CDC or the AAP say that they are.  The Bible says that all men are liars (Psalm 116:11 and Romans 3:4); so why are we trusting that we are always being told the truth by the “experts”?  Are we blindly trusting in “science” without realizing that behind “science” is a scientist who is also a fallen, imperfect human being?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds suspiciously like a Christian Scientist argument. I agree that the medical industry is deeply corrupt though.
