Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Food Nutrition Charts | Food List

Foods with Nutritional Information

Choose a food category above to display a list of foods and associated nutritional values. This table lists macronutrients for each food and over 70 micronutrients such as Calories, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and elements.
food spectrum

Do you know your Daily Requirements for the Following Vitamins and Minerals?

Macronutrients Reference Intakes Per Day

Total Water LitersCarbohydrate gramsTotal Fiber gramsFat gramsProtein grams
food spectrum

Vitamin Intake Per Day and Tolerable Upper Limits

Vitamin A mcgVitamin C mgVitamin D mcgVitamin E mg
Viamint K mcgThiamin mgRiboflavin mgNiacin mg
Vitamin B6 mgFolate mcgVitamin B12 mcgPantothenic Acid mg
Biotin mcgCholine mg
food spectrum

Element Intakes Per Day and Tolerable Upper Limits

Calcium mgChromium mcgCopper mcgFluoride mg
Iodine mcgIron mgMagnesium mgManganese mg
Molybdenum mcgPhosphorus mgSelenium mcgZinc mg
Potassium gSodium gChloride g
food spectrum


    CLICK To see your personal Recommended Intakes for vitamins and minerals.
Measure adult pulse rate at rest.
Very inactive: greater than 80 beats per min, Sedentary: 70 beats per min, Ideal: less than 60 beats per min. Food Nutrient Chart. A list of food and nutrients data table listing the nutrients in fruit, vegetables, dairy, milk, cheese, eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes, meats, beef, lamb, goats, game and all common foods with nutritional data values.

Carbohydrates, Fiber, fat, protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Folate, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Pantothenic acid, Choline, Niacin, Betaine, Calcium, Copper, Fluoride, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Selenium, Zinc, Potassium, Sodium, Starch, Sugars, Fats and Fatty Acids, Trans Fat, Saturated Fat, Monounsaturated, Polyunsaturated, Trans-monoenoic, Trans-polyenoic, Omega-3, Cartenoids, Tocopherol, Retinol, Tocopherol, Beta Carotene, Alpha Carotene, Tocopherol, Retinol, Sucrose, Glucose (dextrose), Fructose, Lactose,Maltose food chart, calories vitamins, calorie counter, food nutrition, nutrient intake, nutrients in food,supplemental vitamins, minerals and elements

USDA National Nutrient Database
for Standard Reference, Release 24.
Nutrient Data Laboratory Home Page,

PlanetPace - Nutrition and Bible Diet
(Simple Diet of Life foods)

an extensive food nutrition list Nutrition

This Page Displays Food Nutrition Charts | Food List

Food Nutrient Chart. We have provided a list of foods and associated nutrients table. Included are nutrients found in fruits, vegetables, dairy, eggs, meats, chicken, lamb, poultry, nuts, seed and all foods groups with nutritional information and values. Useful information for men and women who wish to consult a nutrition chart as an aid to proper nutrition for dietary intake.
This page displays: Food Nutrient Chart. Complete Food list and nutrients table. Nutrients in fruit, vegetables, dairy, eggs, nuts, meats and foods with nutritional data values. Most common foods are listed. Browse the categories above to find your food of interest.
Calories in nutrient chart food list
Fiber in nutrient chart food list
Carbs in nutrient chart food list
Vitamins in nutrient chart food list
Protein in nutrient chart food list
Fats in nutrient chart food list
Minerals in nutrient chart food list
Nutrients in nutrient chart food list
bible diet based image

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