Saturday, July 30, 2016

Orange Peel

Medicinally orange rind is categorized in two distinct types: Qing Pi (unripe tangerine peel) and Chen Pi (ripe citrus peel). Though both of them are qi-regulating Chinese herbs, they react differently from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine. Hence, you can’t always substitute one for the other just because they come from the same kind of plant. Here this article will base on the former one while focusing on the differences between these two herbs that might confuse you. Is orange rind good for you? Read on to find out what health benefits this herb can bring to you now.

What is green orange rind?

As its name suggests, it mainly refers to the dried peel of immature young fruits or the young fruits themselves of Citrus reticulata Blanco or its cultivars. This is a plant in the family of Rutaceae. And other names of it include Green Tangerine Peel, Pericarpium Citri Reticulate Viride, Unripe Tangerine Peel, and so on. In China Qing Pi and Chen Pi are produced in the same places. And medicinally it comes from two forms. The shed premature fruits are usually collected between May and June or the immature fruits are normally harvested from July to August. The former one is dried in the sun as a whole but the latter one needs to be divided into 4 parts that connect only on the base. It is used raw or stir-baked with vinegar.
Citrus reticulata is a small evergreen tree or shrub, 3 to 4 meters in height. Small branches are mostly with thorns. Leaves are alternate; petiole is from 0.5 to 1.5cm in length, and with narrow wing and node at the top; leaf blade is lanceolate or elliptic, 4 to 11cm long, 1.5 to 4cm wide, and with slightly concave acuminate apex, cuneate base, and entire or wavy margin. Flowers are solitary or a few of them cluster on branch top or leaf axils; cup-shaped calyx is 5-lobed; petals are 5 and white or pink; stamens are 15 to 30, of varying lengths, and groups consisting of 3 to 5 filaments; pistil is 1; ovary is round; stigma is cephaloid. Orange fruits are nearly round or flat round, 4 to 7cm in diameter, and with thin and wide rind that is easy to peel off, 7 to 12 segments, and many little sections with juice inside. Oval seeds are white and with one pointed end and the number can be none, a few, or a dozen. Bloom time is from March to April and the fruiting time is from October to December. Main habitats include hills, low mountains, rivers, lakes, and coastal plains.
Main chemical constituents of dried orange peel are quite similar between unripe or ripe fruits. However, the amount of the ingredients is different. For example, the content of synephrine in green peel is higher than in ripe peel. In addition, the green rind contains a variety of amino acids, such as aspartic acid, glutamic acid, proline, etc.

Orange rind benefits

Dried ripe orange rind is of warm nature and acrid and bitter taste. It goes to meridians of spleen and lung. It contains more essential oil, which mainly contains limonene, isopropenyltoluene, humulene, hesperidin, coumarin, carotene, cryptoxanthin, vitamin B1, vitamin C, etc. Since it regulates qi, harmonizes middle energizer, eliminates dampness, and transforms phlegm, it is often used for the treatment of fullness in the chest or upper abdomen, no desire to eat or drink, vomiting and hiccup, and a cough accompanied by excessive mucus. Modern pharmacological studies confirmed that hesperidin contained could increase blood flow, resist adrenaline-induced vasoconstriction, dilate coronary artery, act on vascular smooth muscle and lower blood pressure slowly. Besides, coumarin and other active ingredients are anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, and cholagogic. As a result it is commonly used for strengthening spleen and promoting the circulation of qi.
Dried green tangerine peel is of slightly warm and bitter-acrid taste. It covers meridians of liver and gallbladder. Its main functions are soothing the liver, relieving stagnant Qi, removing stasis, and dissolving phlegm. Major orange rind uses and indications include chest, rib, and stomach pains, hernia, indigestion, breast swelling, nodule in breast, chronic malaria, and a lump in the abdomen. Compared to the ripe rind, the green one has such a stronger healing power that it can relieve stagnant Qi.
As you can see now, Chen Pi is of mild nature, covers qiphase of spleen and lung, and dries damp and eliminates phlegm; Qing Pi is of strong nature, enters meridians of liver and gallbladder, possesses better effect on promoting the circulation of qi, soothes the liver and gallbladder, relieves stagnant Qi, and removes food retention.

Modern pharmacological actions of green orange rinds

1. The volatile oil contained has a mild gastrointestinal stimulation, which can promote the secretion of digestive juices and exclude the accumulation of intestinal gas;
2. Its decoction can inhibit intestinal smooth muscle. That’s to say, it can relieve spasm. And this effect is stronger than that of ripe orange peel;
3. It has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscle of the gallbladder. Besides, it has choleretic effect too;
4. Its intravenous injection can significantly boost blood pressure. And it also has obvious positive effect on cardiac excitability, contractility, conductivity, and self-discipline;
5. Limonene in its volatile oil can make expectoration easy, dilate the bronchial tube, and relieve asthma.

Sample unripe orange rind recipes on herbal remedies

When used in herbal tea, the recommended dosage is from 3 to 10 grams. And it can be also used in powder, pills, extract, and juice.
1. Tian Tai Wu Yao San from Yi Xue Fa Ming (Illuminating the Science of Medicine). It is combined with Wu Yao (Lindera), Xiao Hui Xiang (Fennel Seed), Mu Xiang (Costus), etc. to treat pain due to hernia.
2. Qi Pi Wan from Shen Shi Zun Sheng Shu (Master Shen’s Writings on Respecting Life). It is formulated with Shen Qu (Medicated Leaven), Shan Zha (Hawthorn Fruit), Mai Ya (Barley Malt), etc. to cure dyspepsia, qi stagnation, and abdominal pain and bloating.

Orange rind side effects and contraindications

Orange rind is considered non-toxic. Currently there is no adverse reaction reported in the conventional dose of decoction. And long-term use shows no obvious side effects too. TCM wise, use it with care in the case of qi deficiency.
By the way, clinically ripe citrus peel can be used in both deficiency and excess type qi stagnation. However, green tangerine peel should be used in only excess type qi stagnation; both of them are often combined to treat qi stagnation, pain, and bloating due to the inflammation of the liver, gallbladder, intestine, and stomach; When used as assistant or guide drug to protect spleen and stomach, ripe one instead of green one should be picked to coordinate yin and yang, qi and blood, and deficiency and excess in the case of bloating and pain are absent.

Oyster shell

For many people, oyster shells, also known as Concha Ostreae in Latin and Mu Li in mandarin, are just something worthless that is to be disposed of. What they care about is the oyster meat since this is a seafood delicacy with tons of health benefits on digestion improvement, calcium intake, detox function, liver care, beauty, skin care, yin nourishing, sex drive and libido boost, etc. However, don’t simply trash its shell either. The reason for doing so is twofold: oyster shell recycling is crucial to marine ecosystems, plus it is of high medicinal value. Medicinally it is commonly used in combination with Long Gu (Dragon Bones) for the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy, migraine, stroke, palpitations, night emission, and so on. As you can see now, oyster shell has comparable or better medicinal uses.

What are oyster shells medicinally?

As the name suggested, it mainly refers to the shells of Ostrea gigas Thunberg, Ostrea talienwhanensis Crosse, or Ostrea rivularis Gould. All of them are in the family Ostreidae and distributed along China’s coastal area. It can be collected all year round. And the following steps are to remove flesh, keep the shell, wash, and dry in the sun. And it is normally used crushed and raw/calcined.
Crassostrea gigas is in the shape of elongated flake, 10 to 50cm long, and 4 to 15cm wide. Dorsal seam and ventral seam are nearly parallel. Right shell is smaller and with thick scales arranged in layered or lamellar order. Lilac, white or brown outer surface is flat or with a few dents; porcelain white inner surface has no small teeth on sides of shell top. Left shell is sunken deep, and with thicker scales and small attachment surface on top. It is hard, white, odorless, slightly salty, and with layered cross sections.
Ostrea talienwhanensis is triangle and with splayed dorsiventral edges. Right shell is yellow outside and white inside and with loose wavy concentric scales. Left shell is with thick concentric scales, a couple of radial ribs from the top of the shell, recessed box-shaped inner surface, and small hinge surface.
Ostrea rivularis is round, oval, triangular, etc. Right shell is slightly uneven outside, with gray, purple, brown, yellow and other colors and concentric scales arranged in rings. Scales in young ones are thin and brittle. And they stack into layers after years of growing, with white inner surface and lavender edge in some.
80 to 95 % of chemical composition is calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate and calcium sulfate. Besides, they still contain magnesium, aluminum, silicon, and iron oxide. And another report says that ostrea talienwhanensis contains more than 90% calcium carbonate, 1.72% organic matter, and a small amount of magnesium, iron, silicates, sulfates, phosphates and chlorides. After the calcination, carbonate decomposes and produces calcium oxide and others while organic matter is destroyed.

Oyster shell health benefits

Modern medicine tends to believe that oysters contain a variety of nutrients that is necessary to the body. Clinically it is often combined with dragon bone since they has similar functions – tranquilization and liver-calming if used raw and astringency in the calcined form. More importantly, they supplement each other since oysters can also resolve hard lump while dragon bone has a better sedative action.
To better illustrate how it works, here we take its insomnia-healing property as an example. So, what is the difference between this herb and sleeping pills since both of them can help sleep disorder? To begin with, the former is a concept from traditional Chinese medicine while the latter comes from western medicine. And it doesn’t make any sense to compare them; then, they act at different mechanism – the source of the former’s healing power is its heavy nature, which traditionally is believed to calm agitated heart and spirit and get rid of timidity. And sleeping pills directly act on the nerve center to help sleep; furthermore, mineral and shell drugs have a wider range of application. But sleep pill only applies to temporary insomnia caused by cute psychological stress and physical illness or sleep disorders due to severe mental illness; finally, shell drugs work slowly and steadily, with no apparent side effects or addictive qualities. It can be tailored according to the needs of the individuals. Generally it is used as an assistance drug. Sleeping pills have definite and immediate curative effect. However, it has obvious side effects like dizziness, dry mouth, stomach discomfort, etc. And long-term use would lead to drug dependence and rebound phenomenon.

Modern pharmacological actions of oysters

1. Its flour showed astringency, sedation, detoxification, and anticonvulsant effects. Besides, it has significant analgesic effect in animal experiments;
2. Calcined oyster can significantly improve the resistance to experimental gastric ulcer;
3. Polysaccharides contained have hypolipidemic, anticoagulant, and antithrombotic effect;
4. Its acid extract in vivo has inhibition on poliovirus and thus lower mortality rate of the infected mice.

Sample oyster shell herbal remedies

According to the Chinese Materia Medica, it is salty in flavor and slightly cold in nature. And it acts on the meridians of liver and kidney. Basic functions are to calm the liver and suppress yang, tranquilize with its heavy nature, soften hardness to dissipate stagnation, and induce astringency. Main oyster shells uses and indications include vertigo, tinnitus, palpitation, insomnia, scrofula, goiter and tumor, abdominal mass, spontaneous sweating, night sweat, emission, uterine bleeding, and abnormal vaginal discharge. Recommended dosage is from 15 to 30 grams in decoction, pills or powder. And decocting before the rest herbs is required.
1. Gui Zhi Gan Cao Long Gu Mu Li Tang from Shang Han Lun (On Cold Damage). It is combined with Gui Zhi (Ramulus Cinnamomi), Gan Cao (Licorice Root), and dragon bones to treat fidget, palpitation, insomnia, dreaminess, etc.
2. Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang from Yi Xue Zhong Zhong Can Xi Lu (Records of Heart-Felt Experiences in Medicine with Reference to the West). It is designed with dragon bone, Gui Ban (Fresh Water Turtle Shell), Bai Shao (White Peony Root), etc., to cure dizziness, irritability, and tinnitus.
3. Da Ding Feng Zhu from Wen Bing Tiao Bian (Detailed Analysis of Warm Diseases). It is formulated with Sheng Di Huang (Rehmannia), Gui Jia (tortoise shell), Bie Jia (Soft Turtle Shell), etc. to heal burning out of yin, deficient wind agitation, and limbs twitching due to chronic febrile diseases.
4. Xiao Luo Wan from Yi Xue Xin Wu (Medical Revelations). It is coupled with Zhe Bei Mu (Fritillaria Bulb), Xuan Shen (Scrophularia), etc. to cure subcutaneous nodule, scrofula, goiter and tumor, etc.
5. Mu Li San from Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang (Formulas of the Peaceful Benevolent Dispensary). It is used along with Ma Huang Gen (Ephedra root), Fu Xiao Mai (Triticum Aestivum L.), etc. to heal spontaneous perspiration and night sweats.
6. Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan from Yi Fang Ji Jie (Wang Ang and his Variorum of medical recipes). It is matched with Sha Yuan Zi (Flatstem Milkvetch Seed), Dragon bones, Qian Shi (Euryale Seed), etc. to treat nocturnal emission.

Oyster shell side effects and contraindications

Clinically no adverse reactions on oyster shells have been reported. But it is easy to cause constipation and indigestion in long-term use and high doses. According to Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu (Explanation of Canon of Materia Medica), it loathes ephedra, Wu Zhu Yu (Evodia Fruit), and Xin Yi (Magnolia Flower). And according to the Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing Shu (Commentary on ‘Shen Nong’s Classic of the Materia Medica), oyster shell shouldn’t be used in the cases of deficient cold and spermatorrhea due to cold instead of fire caused by kidney deficiency.

Schizandra berry, Wu Wei Zi, literally Five Flavored Berry

Schizandra berry, also known as Fructus Schisandrae in pharmaceutical Latin, is a top restorative that was first enrolled in The Divine Farmer’s Materia Medica (Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing). The Newly Revised Herbology (Xin Xiu Ben Cao), compiled in the Tang dynasty (618~907 A.D.), reviewed that the reason why it was named Wu Wei Zi, literally Five Flavored Berry, is because of its sweet, sour, and salty peel and flesh and acrid, bitter pit. It is used so frequently in traditional Chinese medicine that it is viewed as one of the 50 fundamental Chinese herbs these days. So, what is schizandra used for? Now let’s take a close look at this amazing tonic.

What is schizandra?

Actually there are two kinds of schizandra berries that are commonly used medicinally. They are the ripe fruits of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. or Schisandra sphenanthera Rehd. et Wils. Both of them are plant species of family Magnoliaceae. In China the former one is better known as “North schizandra” since it is mainly produced in the Northeast; the latter is better known as “South schizandra” since they are mainly from the southwest and south of the Yangtze River. And the south one is typically believed with better medicinal properties. Other common names include Schisandra Fruit, Schisandra Seed, Five Taste Fruits, Five Flavors Fruit, and more. Medicinally they are collected in fall when the fruits are ripe. And then they are just needed to be dried in the sun. It is normally used raw or steamed with vinegar and honey.
Schisandra chinensis berry is in the shape of irregular ball or flat ball, in the diameter of 5 to 8mm. The surface is red or purplish red, wrinkled, and oily. Some are dark red, covered with frost. Seeds are 1 to 2 and kidney-shaped; surface is brown and shiny; seed coat is thin and brittle; pulp is soft, with slight aroma and sour taste. The crushed seeds are aromatic, spicy, and bitter.
Schisandra sphenanthera berry is spike-like aggregate fruits. They are spherical, fleshy, dark red when ripe. The dried fruits are smaller in size, shriveled, and wrinkled, with reddish brown to dark brown surface and flesh that is often close to the seed.
It contains schizandrin, deoxyschizandrin, neoschizandrin, schizandrol, schisantherin, and so on.

Modern pharmacological actions of schisandra berries

1) It produces stimulation to all levels of the central nervous system;
2) It affects both the excitatory and inhibitory processes of cerebral cortex to therefore bring balance;
3) It stimulates the respiratory system. As a result, it is antitussive and expectorant;
4) It lowers blood pressure;
5) It promotes the discharge of bile, lowers serum transaminases, and protects liver cells;
6) It has ginseng-like adaptogen, which can enhance the body’s defense capabilities to non-specific stimulation;
7) It increases cellular immune function and thus significantly enhances the SOD activity of brain, liver, spleen SOD. Hence, it has immunity-improving, anti-oxidation, and anti-aging effects;
8) It inhibits Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella enterica, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and more.

Schizandra berry benefits

In the TCM point of view, it is commonly used to help treat night sweats, polydipsia, frequent urination, urinary incontinence and premature ejaculation because it tonifies kidney and promotes the secretion of body fluid. More importantly, it possesses astringent and tonic properties although the astringency is stronger. The medical sage Zhang Zhongjing loves to combine it with Gan Jiang (dried ginger) and Xi Xin (Herba Asari) to stop cough and asthma by astringing the lung. It makes sense since these herbs oppose each other and yet also complement each other by respective opening and closing nature. Another great finding is its function of reducing excitability and astringing Promordial Qi, typifying by Du Qi Wan, composed of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan plus schizandra. This formula was first recorded in Zhang Shi Yi Tong (Comprehensive Medicine according to Master Zhang) in Qing dynasty and it is traditionally used to treat asthma and vomiting due to kidney deficiency. Today it is confirmed that it protects liver and reduces serum transaminases. In addition, in recent years it has been reported that it could treat myocardial infarction too.
It is conventionally believed with the ability to protect the five internal organs – heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney. It is all the rage worldwide now, in particular in China and Japan. As early as 2 thousand years ago, this tonic has been widely used in kings, millionaires, and herbalists. As its name implies, it is a berry that is with 5 kinds of flavors – spicy, sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. This makes it easily stand out from the rest herbs that are usually with 1 or 2 flavors. Thanks for that, it helps play an important role in balancing the relationship of five internal organs.
Schisandra is rich in organic acids, vitamins, flavonoids, phytosterols, and lignans. Lignans, e.g. schizandrin and schisandrin B, has a potent recovery effect. It is also one of the few herbs that benefit essence, vital breath and spirit at the same time. In other words, it tonifies vital energy, protecting liver, increasing the efficiency of removing waste in cells, supply more oxygen, create and use energy, improve memory and sexual stamina. That explains well why ancient Russian must take it for the purpose of beefing up each time they went hunting.
However, the schizandra berry health benefits don’t end here. Here are more.
1) It can improve decreased vision, enhance impaired hearing, improve lung health, relieve respiratory diseases like chronic cough and respiratory infections, and heal eczema and hives;
2) It promotes detoxification function of liver, protects the liver from damage of the respiratory tract by accelerating the metabolic rate of acetaminophen and reducing GSH depletion, and promotes the regeneration and reorganization of damaged liver cells;
3) It has good anti-inflammatory effect and activates the metabolism in order to facilitate the repair of synthesis rate of damaged liver cells. So, it helps the regeneration and reproduction of the impaired liver cell;
4) It can strengthen the body’s immune system, help people develop immunity to various diseases, and restore energy. Schisandra is one of the most effective plant based adaptogens, which can improve intelligence, stamina, sensory functions, and resistance to stress force. In short, it can help the body to withstand stress factors, such as cold, heat, noise, emotional overload and the like. So, it helps improve performance, enhance endurance and reduce fatigue;
5) Schisandrin B and schisanhenol have anti-oxidant effect, which can scavenge free radicals and inhibit the formation of lipid peroxidation. In other words, it can delay aging.

Sample schisandra recipes on herbal remedies

The “Chinese Pharmacopoeia” reveals that it is sour, sweet in flavor and warm in nature. It goes to lung, heart, and kidney. Basic functions are astringing lung Qi, stopping diarrhea, enhancing Qi while nourishing fluid, tonifying kidney, and calming the heart. Main schizandra uses and indications include chronic cough, deficiency-type asthma, nocturnal emission, enuresis, frequent urination, chronic diarrhea, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, thirst due to fluid loss, shortness of breath accompanied with feeble pulse, diabetes caused by internal heat, heart palpitations and insomnia. Recommended schizandra berry dosage is from 1.5 to 6g in decoction. In addition, you can buy it in the forms of schizandra berry tea, extract, supplement, powder, capsules, tincture,
1) Wu Wei Xi Xin Tang from Ji Feng Pu Ji Fang (Universal-Relief Prescriptions from Jifeng). It is combined with Bai Fu Ling (White Poria cocos), Gan Cao (Licorice Root), and Xi Xin (Herba Asari) to treat coughing incessantly;
2) Wu Wei Zi Wan from Wei Sheng Jia Bao Fang (Treasured Family Prescriptions for Health). It is coupled with poppy shell to cure cough;
3) Sheng Mai San from Qian Jin Fang (Thousand golden essential prescriptions). It is formulated with Ren Shen (Ginseng) and Mai Men Dong (Ophiopogon Tuber) to heal the primordial Qi impaired by heat, physical fatigue, shortness of breath, laziness to speak, dry mouth for thirst, constant sweating, and so on;
4) Wu Wei Zi Gao from Yi Xue Ru Men (Gate of Entry to Medical Studies). It is simmered with winter honey to make cream for the treatment of wet dream and collapse;
5) Wu Wei Zi San from Pu Ji Ben Shi Fang (Prescriptions for Universal Relief). It is matched with Wu Zhu Yu (cornel) to treat diarrhea before dawn;
6) Wu Wei Zi Wan from Jing Yan Liang Fang (Experiential Fine Formulas). It is fried and made into pills with vinegar to cure gonorrhea, kidney deficiency, and pains in waist and back.

Schizandra berry side effects and contraindications

Schizandra berry is considered a drug with a little toxicity and taking it orally may cause some certain adverse reactions, e.g. belching, acid reflux, gastric burning sensation, bowel sound, drowsiness, or sometimes allergic reactions. Some individual patients may also see fever, headache, exhaustion, dry mouth, feeling of peculiar smell, urticaria, nausea, vomiting, and so on. Besides, it excites the respiratory system, increases the respiratory rate, and lowers blood pressure.
Nevertheless, generally the toxicity and side effects of schizandra is less obvious. Even so, long-term use of it is not recommended.

Chinese Herbal medicine Schizandrae, Wu Wei Zi

(NewsTarget) The very name of Schizandrae, Wu Wei Zi, reveals the qualities of this amazing herb. In the Chinese language, Wu Wei Zi means "Five Taste Fruit." When consumed, you can literally taste all five flavors at once (sour, bitter, sweet, spicy and salty). This relates to the essence of all five of the elemental energies (wood, fire, earth, metal and water), and therefore addresses the five major organ systems of the body. Schizandra also develops the primary energies of life by addressing all three of "The Three Treasures", ( . This is of course of great benefit to the body of anyone who consumes it.

Adaptogenic Qualities:

Schizandrae ( is considered to be one of the premier adaptogen herbs. Like Ginseng, Acanthopanax, Gynostemma, He Shou Wu, Reishi Mushrooms and many others, Schizandra increases resistance of the body and mind against nonspecific stimuli. It can protect the body from damage due to extreme or chronic stress. In particular, it can protect the liver and adrenals and prevent atrophy due to extreme stress.

This safe yet very powerful tonic herb has calming energies and possesses some pain-alleviating properties yet it is also considered a central nervous system stimulant. This testifies to its broad range of balance throughout the entire body. In fact, Wu Wei Zi is considered to be one of the best tonics for the mind used to sharpen concentration, improve memory and increase alertness. However, unlike many central nervous system stimulants, Schizandra does not produce nervousness at all. Many people consider Schizandrae to be mildly "calming" while still producing wakefulness and improved focus.

One of the things I always loved about it in my clinical practice was that it can boost the desperately needed immune factors in auto-immune diseases without igniting the immune system at all.

Effects on Skin and "Beauty":

Schizandrae is often used to both beautify the skin and to protect the skin from the damaging effects of the sun and wind. Due to the astringent quality of Schizandra, the skin tends to hold its moisture much better and becomes full and beautiful. It is said in China that those who use Schizandra consistently will remain youthful in appearance and in general strength and vitality.

Schizandrae is always found in any of the classic TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) formulas for beauty as it has been demonstrated to generate vitality and radiant beauty when used regularly for some time. If used for about 100 days successively, Schizandrae is demonstrated to purify the blood, sharpen the mind, improve memory, rejuvenate the Kidney energy and improve the sexual energy and functions in both men and women. Through its wonderful tonic effect on the lungs it can cause the skin to become radiantly beautiful with a very noticeable healthy underlining pink tone. Its astringent effect helps to lessen wrinkles and provides a firm yet soft texture to the touch. It can also greatly benefit the hair and nails and is wonderful for this when combined with my personal favorite tonic herb, He Shou Wu ( .

Schizandrae's "Aphrodisiac" Qualities:

The "aphrodisiac" qualities (for both men and women), especially when combined with other Kidney tonifying herbs like Epimedium ( etc., are quite remarkable. Schizandrae is one of the most important astringent herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. This powerful astringent herb conserves fluids, and tends to contain sexual fluids until the appropriate time of release. Thus, consuming Schizandrae for a period of time, one tends to build up sexual fluids. This is as important to women as it is men in the sexual act as it sets up the experience for great excitement. However, Schizandrae is used in many sexual formulations for men to prevent premature ejaculation and to help promote endurance.


Schizandrae is also one of the primary cleansing tonic herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Along with Reishi Mushroom, it is one of the primary liver cleansing agents used in China. Schizandrae does not have the mechanical colon cleansing side effects that are associated with many of the American "medicinal," or other liver cleansing herbs yet it is demonstrated that by taking Schizandrae regularly, one can rid the body of toxins before they have a chance to do serious damage. The alcohol extracts of Schizandra are shown to protect the liver from damage due to the toxic world we all live in. (Alcohol is so useful in carrying healing herbs to the liver for many of the same reasons that its abuse is so harmful to the liver.)


Schizandrae is among the most popular tonic herbs in Asia used for longevity and is often found pictured in ancient art as a symbol of longevity, and even the ability to attain "immortality." Well, OK, that may be a bit of folk-lore and exaggeration but there has to have been at least a truly large longevity factor for these images to have ever been recorded in this way.

Chemical "Scientific" Knowledge:

Although I do not consider the breaking down of molecular components useful for anything but "pharma-interest", here are the Chemical findings:

The fruit of Schizandrae chinensis contains numerous lignins, schizandrins A, B and C, deoxyschizandrin, g-schizandrin, pseudo-g-schizandrin, schizandrol and Schizandra esters. Fructus Schizandra contains approximately 3% volatile oil. It also contains vitamins C and E, citral, b-sitosterol and citric acid. Remember, these are all they can identify. There are likely thousands of others.

True Useful Scientific Findings:

Schizandrae has been found to induce the production in human beings of g-interferon.

Schizandrae has been demonstrated in laboratory animals and in humans to have a stimulant action on the central nervous system. The herb works directly on the nervous tissue. Many studies now indicate that Schizandra actually has a powerful balancing, or regulating, action on the central nervous system. It can result in accurate and optimal balancing between the excitatory and inhibitory control functions of the cerebral cortex.

It has been demonstrated that human intellectual activity can be enhanced and work efficiency increased by consuming Schizandra. Various tests have shown that moderate therapeutic doses of Schizandra can improve various activities requiring concentration, fine coordination, sensitivity and endurance. The tests in humans confirming Schizandra's efficacy in these areas range from threading needles to running marathons.

Human studies have also shown that Schizandrae can improve vision, even enlarging the field of vision, and can improve hearing. It also improves the discrimination ability of the skin receptors. It has been determined that this increased sensitivity is due to improved function of the central nervous system's ability to analyze data flowing to it from the peripheral sensors

Schizandrae has been shown to have significant respiratory strengthening capacity. It can cause the breathing to be both deeper and more powerful. Schizandra also has significant expectorant and antitussive properties.

Schizandrae has been shown to have significant hepatic protective effects. It can promote the regeneration of liver tissue, and promotes protein synthesis, nucleic acid synthesis. It is believed that the protective action of Schizandrae is partly due to its ability to promote the regeneration of mitochondria in hepatic cells. Also, it can improve the function of the cell membrane, lowering its permeability which in turn minimizes enzyme leakage into the blood stream.

It can reduce elevated SGPT in patients with chronic hepatitis. In a clinical study conducted in China, more than 5000 people suffering from various types of hepatitis were given Schizandra and the results were very good. The aggregate effective rate was 84-97.9% . SGPT was normalized in about 75% of the cases.

In another clinical study, Schizandrae was proved to be very effective in treating various neurotic symptoms, including insomnia, headache, dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations and nocturnal emission. It has even been used in cases of psychosis, with symptoms of hallucination, paranoia and neurosis, with good results.

About the author

Christopher Gussa founded Plant Cures Inc. which handcrafts over 150 Serious Herbal Medicine Products for Specific Disorders all created through clinical application. Their products are for Serious Disease and also Powerful Tonic Health. Please visit Plant Cures at WWW.PLANTCURES.COM or call them at 1-800 979 2027
Christopher Gussa is a formulator of Natural Medicine. He is also a TCM practitioner and Certified Master / Clinical Herbalist for 30 years. He is certified in both Western Herbal Therapy and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine. 
Chris Gussa: "Plant Cures is currently working with over 9,000 medicinal plants to bring about healing through the true science of combining the whole energies of whole plants. A plants energy is from its whole part. (flowers, fruit, leaves, stems, roots etc) While the "science" of seeing some of the isolated molecular constituents in food and herbs can be interesting at times, there is no "one magic ingredient" in any plant. (You would think it would be science trying to tell you this type of logic, instead of me) But no! They would rather play this childish game of trying to find the "Pot of gold" in a plant so they can synthesize it and dazzle the FDA with a "New Drug" that will most likely cause the usual death and destruction!
Here is a link to musicial message called "Pharmaceutical Drug Guys" Let's Give Big Pharma The Boot! 

Learn more:

Chinese medicinal herb : Tuckahoe ( Fu Ling ) 茯苓

Tuckahoe ( Fu Ling ) 茯苓 Chinese Herbs Articles

Tuckahoe ( Fu Ling ) 茯苓 Chinese Herbs Articles, also known as yun ling 雲苓, bai fu ling 白茯苓, fang ling kuai 方苓塊, chuan ling 串苓, huo shen 获神, huo shem mu 获神木, chi huo ling 赤获苓, huo ling pi 获苓皮, zhu fu ling朱茯苓. It belong to the "Polyporaceae" family.

Tuckahoe ( Fu Ling ) 茯苓 has a sweet, bland and neutral properties. It is use for treating the heart, spleen, lung and kidney.
• Fu shen is the part around the root. Usually it is used as fu ling but considered as    a stronger effect on calming emotion.
• The light red variety is called chi fu shen or zhu fu shen and is used in treatment    of damp-heat 濕熱.
Tuckahoe ( Fu Ling ) 茯苓 Chinese Herbal Articles was created to help cleanse and rejuvenate your body enable you to stay 
younger and healthier with chinese herbal recipes.

Tuckahoe ( Fu Ling ) 茯苓 Usage:

1. Edema.
2. Tumors: Fu ling compound was used on 70 different type of tumors. In some     cases only fu ling 茯苓 was used, and in others fu ling 茯苓 was used with chemo     therapy, or radiation therapy or surgery. It showed that fu ling can strengthen     the body, improve body weight, improve appetite, lessen or prevent side effect     of chemo therapy, protect bone marrow, improve liver and kidney functions,     improve radiation therapy on nose and throat cancers.
3. Infant diarrhea.
4. Improve schizoid condition 5. Improve liver function.
6. For baldness after giving birth.

Tuckahoe ( Fu Ling ) 茯苓 Cautions Use:

• Not suitable for patients with yinxu (yin deficient) condition.
• The characteristics of the herb fu ling is that it is more of a diuretic than a tonic    herb. Over usage can weaken the eyes. Not compatible with chronic weakness of    the body.
• Not to use in cases of shenxu (kidney deficient) with urinary incontinence, or in    cases of clear sperm or spermatorrhea due to yangxu (yang deficient).
• Not compatible with rice venegar.